The Outdoor Dog Photographer

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Is anything ever really deleted?

As a pet dog portrait photographer, one of my biggest fears is losing somebody’s images! I think, to a degree, that’s why I have never wanted to do wedding photography. It’s such an important day in people’s lives and you only have one opportunity to get it right.
Although the same isn’t quite so true for pet dog photography, it can be applied when the dog is old or has a terminal illness. I have older dogs myself and I am constantly taking photographs of them in as many situations as I can. I lost my Golden Retriever some 12 years ago and wish that I had more photographs of her. Indeed, all of the photographs that I have are prints as I didn’t have a digital camera and phone cameras weren’t great.

The fact is, I am still fearful of losing images and I guess it was inevitable that it was going to happen to me one day and sure enough, it did, just a couple of weeks ago!

How it happened and the circumstances surrounding it, don’t really matter. The fact is, I had lost the images and I needed to see if I could get them back!

After a short search on the internet, I found that there were various pieces of software that could get the images back, of course, none of them were free. But I’m always fearful of what software claims it can do and what it can actually do. Fortunately, most come with a free trial, and I downloaded one by a company called Tenorshare 4DDiG. On the page it claims to:

  • Recover data from laptop/PC, external drive or USB flash disk

  • Windows partition recovery, such as raw partition, formatted partition, corrupted partition, etc.

  • Recover lost or deleted photos, videos, audio, videos, documents, etc

Once installed, I ran through the process and sure enough, it found my “deleted” files on my SD card along with a over 16,000 others! The only issue was that it wouldn’t actually allow you to recover the files unless I paid, so, in the end I bit the bullet and paid my $69.95 (about £63.95).

I have to be honest, the program did exactly what it said. I had every one of the files back on my laptop and others if I needed it. A really good program to say the least and money well spent. the fee is for life, and it comes with updates as they take the software forward.

For anyone doing pet portrait photography or any photography for that matter I would say get this, or a similar product, for me it was an absolute god send.

Over 16,000 “deleted” files on my SD Card

They currently have the item on offer with 30% off.

So, in answer to the original question “Is anything ever really deleted?”, well it would seem not!