A serene outdoor scene featuring a man and his three beautiful liver and white English Springer Spaniels, set against a backdrop of lush forest greenery. Perfect for nature and dog lovers.

About Me

Take a few minutes to find out a little about me, what drives me to do dog photography, why you should choose me to do your dog photography and the loactions that I use.

About Me

Why Choose the Outdoor Dog Photographer


Welcome to the immersive world of Dave Drew's Outdoor Dog Photography, a haven where the enchanting beauty of nature harmonizes with the timeless companionship of our beloved canine friends. As you embark on this virtual journey through the lens of my website, allow me to craft a more intricate tapestry of my identity and the profound ethos that underpins my approach to capturing life's most cherished moments.

I am Dave Drew, a fervent admirer of the great outdoors, an impassioned photographer, and an unwavering advocate for the enduring bond between humans and dogs. But my journey into the realm of photography was not merely a professional pursuit; it was a deeply personal odyssey—a journey marked by serendipitous encounters, transformative experiences, and an unquenchable thirst for creative expression.

From the rugged grandeur of snow-capped mountains to the gentle embrace of sun-kissed meadows, nature has always been my muse—a boundless wellspring of inspiration that ignites my imagination and fuels my artistic vision. It was amidst these breathtaking landscapes that I first discovered the transcendent power of photography—a medium through which I could distill the ineffable magic of the natural world into timeless images that resonate with viewers on a profound emotional level.

But my love affair with photography extends far beyond the confines of scenic vistas; it encompasses a profound reverence for the extraordinary bond between humans and their canine companions. Raised in the company of English and Spanish Spaniels, I was fortunate to experience firsthand the indelible imprint that dogs leave on our hearts—their unwavering loyalty, boundless affection, and infectious zest for life.

It was this deep-seated connection with dogs that ignited my passion for dog photography—a passion that has since evolved into a vocation, a calling, and a lifelong commitment to celebrating the unique beauty, character, and spirit of our four-legged friends through the art of photography.

A studio photograph of three liver and white English Springer Spaniels captures a charming countryside vintage scene. The dogs are posed amidst rustic props including a vintage shotgun leaning against two wooden crates.
Two English Springer Spaniels standing proudly on a log in a natural outdoor environment.

My journey as a photographer has been characterized by an insatiable hunger for knowledge, an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, and a steadfast dedication to continuous growth and evolution. I've invested countless hours in mastering the technical intricacies of my craft, refining my artistic sensibilities, and honing my ability to capture the essence of a moment with precision, authenticity, and soul-stirring depth.

In my relentless quest for mastery, I've earned both a Diploma and Professional Diploma in Photography from the esteemed Institute of Photography—a testament to my unwavering commitment to achieving the highest standards of excellence in my chosen field. Additionally, my affiliation with the distinguished Guild of Photographers underscores my steadfast adherence to the principles of professionalism, integrity, and artistic integrity that underpin my practice.

But beyond the realm of accolades and credentials lies a deeper truth—a fundamental belief that the most impactful photographs are not merely captured; they are felt. It is this ethos that informs my approach to photography—a philosophy rooted in authenticity, empathy, and a profound reverence for the bond between humans and dogs.

When you entrust me with the privilege of capturing the precious moments with your beloved canine companions, you're not just engaging the services of a photographer; you're inviting a kindred spirit, a compassionate storyteller, and a trusted confidant into your world. Together, let us embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and creativity—a journey illuminated by laughter, love, and the timeless bond between humans and dogs.

With patience, I can usually get some great dog photos, even if your pet doesn’t want to cooperate. If for some reason I am unable to get any photos that you are happy with, we can re-do the session at no additional cost.​

Please take a look around my website, my three portfolios The Outdoor Sessions, The Vintage Formal Studio Sessions, The Classic Country Sessions, Dogs and Their Pawents, Gundogs, and of course my Award Winning Images will show you the standard of my work and feel free to CONTACT ME if you have any questions

why choose the outdoor dog photographer?

In this captivating outdoor photograph, renowned dog photographer Dave Drew is pictured sitting on a log in a lush woodland setting. He is surrounded by his four liver and white English Springer Spaniels, who are attentively posed in front of him.


At The Outdoor Dog Photographer, we understand that dogs aren't just pets; they're family, companions, and adventure buddies. Our mission is simple yet profound: to capture the essence of your canine companion's spirit while exploring the wonders of the natural world. We're here to document those precious moments when your dog's enthusiasm meets the great outdoors – from heart-warming gazes to playful splashes in lakes, and from joyous sprints across meadows to serene moments of contemplation.

In this enchanting woodland scene, a liver and white English Springer Spaniel is depicted laying gracefully with its paws resting on exposed tree roots. The natural setting, rich with earthy tones and dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.


  1. Adventure Awaits: Our photoshoots are genuine outdoor adventures. Whether your dog loves splashing in water, hiking through trails, or simply basking in the sun, we'll find the perfect location that resonates with their spirit.

  2. Playful and Relaxed: No need for stiff poses here! We encourage playfulness and natural interactions. Our skilled photographers know how to capture the candid moments that truly reflect your dog's spirit.

  3. Patience and Care: We understand that dogs have their own pace. Our photographers are patient and experienced, allowing your dog to feel comfortable and at ease throughout the session.

  4. Artistry and Quality: Each photograph is a masterpiece. We combine our technical expertise with an artistic touch to create images that evoke emotion and capture the essence of your dog's unique character.

In this serene woodland photograph, a golden retriever is seen lying comfortably on a network of tree roots. The dog's luscious golden coat blends harmoniously with the earthy tones of the forest floor, creating a picturesque and tranquil scene.


Are you a proud dog parent who loves the great outdoors as much as your furry friend does? Do you often find yourself awestruck by the raw beauty and boundless energy of dogs against the backdrop of nature? If so, you're in for a treat that perfectly marries your passion for dogs and the outdoors – welcome to The Outdoor Dog Photographer!

This studio photograph captures a stunning fox red Labrador in a meticulously crafted countryside vintage scene. The setting features rustic props and a warm, nostalgic ambiance, evoking the charm of rural life.


  1. Authentic Connections: Our outdoor settings provide a natural and relaxed environment for your dog to be themselves. Unhindered by studio lights and confined spaces, your pup's true personality shines through.

  2. Unforgettable Memories: Every adventure you share with your dog is a chapter in your story together. Our photographs freeze those fleeting moments in time, allowing you to relive the excitement, joy, and love you both share.

  3. Stunning Backdrops: Nature offers the most stunning backdrops – lush forests, tranquil lakes, rolling hills, and golden sunsets. Our expertise lies in capturing these breathtaking landscapes alongside your furry friend.

  4. Tailored Experience: We work closely with you to understand your dog's personality, preferences, and your shared adventures. This ensures that each photoshoot is a unique and personalized experience.

In this captivating image, a brown Cocker Spaniel with a distinctive white bib stands proudly on a tree stump. The rich brown coat of the Spaniel contrasts beautifully with the surrounding natural environment, highlighting the dog's elegant stance


  1. Reach Out: Contact us to discuss your dog's personality, your favorite outdoor spots, and what you envision for the photoshoot.

  2. Plan the Adventure: Together, we'll plan the perfect adventure for your dog. Whether it's a lakeside frolic, a woodland exploration, or a beachside romp, we'll choose a location that resonates with your pup's spirit.

  3. Capture the Magic: On the day of the shoot, we'll embark on our adventure. Our photographers will work their magic, ensuring both you and your dog have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

  4. Cherish Forever: Once the photos are ready, you'll receive a collection of images that tell a beautiful story of your dog's day out. From prints to digital copies, these photographs will be cherished for a lifetime.


At The Outdoor Dog Photographer, we're not just photographers – we're storytellers who specialize in capturing the magic of dogs and the outdoors. Let us freeze those moments of boundless joy, ceaseless curiosity, and unconditional love. Join us in celebrating the spirit of adventure that your dog brings to your life.

Contact us today to embark on a journey of unforgettable memories and breathtaking photographs. Your dog's story is waiting to be told, and we're here to make sure it's told in the most stunning way possible.


All of my shoots take place in the woodland that surrounds Warminster in Wiltshire, much of it close to the Longleat Estate or in my small garage studio at my house. The woods although popular with both dog walkers, cyclists and horse riders, offer some beautiful scenery that can be incorporated into a shoot.

Autumn in the forest can be very special with all of the golds, browns and deep reds adding to the finished photographs

All of these images were taken on location in the local woodland.