The Outdoor Dog Photographer- Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions ("Agreement") constitute a legally binding agreement between The Outdoor Dog Photographer (‘Photographer’) and the client ("Client") for the provision of dog photography services. By booking a session with the Photographer, the Client agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1.      Booking and Payment:

 1.1.               Payment is made in full at the time of booking.

1.2.               Payment can be made via Payment Methods Accepted], as specified by the Photographer.

 2.      Session Details:

 2.1.               The session duration will be approximately 1 (one) hour, unless otherwise agreed upon.

2.2.               The Photographer will choose the location of the session,

2.3.               In case of inclement weather, the session may be rescheduled to a mutually agreed upon date and time.

 3.      Cancellation and Rescheduling:

 3.1.               Cancellations:

3.1.1.      If the Client cancels the session, the fee is non-refundable.

3.1.2.      Refunds will not be offered after a session is booked unless there are extenuating Circumstances, such as illness with yourself or your pet.

3.1.3.      In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Photographer reserves the right to reschedule the session.

3.2.               Rescheduling: The Photographer will monitor the weather conditions leading up to your photography session. If the weather takes a turn for the worst and the session must be cancelled, the shoot will be re-scheduled at a convenient time, acceptable by both the photographer and the client. 

4.      Intellectual Property Rights:

 4.1.               Ownership of Images All images and photographs taken by Photographer are the exclusive property of the Photographer.  The Photographer retains all copyright and ownership of the images taken during the session.

4.2.               Usage Rights: Clients are granted personal use rights only. This includes viewing and sharing images on personal social media accounts with proper credit to Photographer.

4.3.               Alteration of Images: The Client agrees not to edit, alter, or manipulate the images in any way.

4.4.               Commercial Rights: Any commercial use of the images (including but not limited to advertising, marketing, or any revenue-generating activities) is strictly prohibited without prior express written permission from Photographer.

4.5.               Please use the Contact form if you wish to discuss purchasing the full copyright for any of your images from the session.

 5.      Model Release:

 5.1.               Usage for Portfolio and Marketing: By booking a session, clients grant the Photographer permission to use images from their session for portfolio purposes, website display, social media, marketing, and promotional materials unless otherwise agreed in writing.

5.2.               If the Client wishes to keep their images private, a written request must be submitted to the Photographer before the session.

6.      Liability:

6.1.               Safety and Behaviour:

6.1.1.      Clients are responsible for their pets' behaviour during the session. The Photographer is not liable for any accidents or injuries that occur during the session.

6.1.2.     The Photographer is not responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses to the Client, their pets, or their property during the session.

6.1.3.      The Photographer will take reasonable care during the session, but the Client acknowledges that working with animals carries inherent risks. 

6.2.               Damage: Clients will be held responsible for any damage caused to [Your Dog Photography Business Name]'s equipment or property by their pets.

6.3.               The client agrees that they will be always in full control of their dog.

6.4.               The Client agrees that to attend a session, their dog is required to be well-behaved, sociable around adults, children, and other dogs.

6.5.               The client agrees to be solely responsible for any, and all acts or behaviour of their pet while in the photo session. Should the Client’s dog become frightened, agitated, or aggressive, the Client understands that they must take immediate action to gain control over their dog and to remove their dog from the situation.

6.6.               The Client further understands that Photographer reserves the right to request removal of the dog from any situation where a disturbance is created, where the dog appears dominant or aggressive or that is deemed to be dangerous or undesirable to the Client’s dog or any other dog(s) or person, and that in any such situation we may be asked to leave the session/location without refund of any monies paid.

6.7.               The client is aware that given the sometimes-unpredictable nature of dogs, an interaction could take place between dogs at the session which may result in an injury to the Client’s dog, to other dogs, to the Photographer and to other people. The Client understands that they are solely responsible for financial or otherwise for any such injury or harm afflicted by their dog to any other dog or person while their dog is attending the session, and that likewise, other people attending the session are solely responsible, financially, or otherwise, for any injury or harm afflicted by their dogs or to the Photographer during the session.

6.8.               The client agrees that theirs and their pet’s participation in photoshoots with the Photographer is voluntary. Additionally, the client agrees to assume any risk that is associated with participating in the session and releases the Photographer and their photographers from all claims of damage and loss that may be because of participation. The release is without limitation and includes the personal injury fees, attorney’s/lawyers’ fees and any other losses that might occur to the participant.

6.9.               The client agrees to hold The Outdoor Dog Photographer harmless against all claims of damage and loss including damage to location or property caused by the client and their pet/s. The client also agrees to hold The Outdoor Dog Photographer harmless against any injury caused by The Outdoor Dog Photographer’s property and equipment during a photography session, including injury, and any other losses that may occur to the client or pets.

6.10.               The client agrees to hold The Outdoor Dog Photographer harmless against all claims of damage and loss including damage to location or property caused by the client and their pet/s. The client also agrees to hold The Outdoor Dog Photographer harmless against any injury caused by The Outdoor Dog Photographer’s property and equipment during a photography session, including injury, and any other losses that may occur to the client or pets.

6.11.               The client agrees that this waiver agreement shall remain in full force and take effect without change and that participation in The Outdoor Dog Photographer sessions is in pursuit to the terms of the agreement.

6.12.               The Photographer will take reasonable care during the session, but the Client acknowledges that working with animals carries inherent risks.

6.13.               Animal welfare is our top priority - The pet's welfare is paramount to The Outdoor Dog Photographer, if we think for any reason the pet may be at risk during a shoot, we will not proceed. Please tell us if there are things your pet will not be comfortable doing.

7.      Sale of Prints

7.1.               Prints and Merchandise: The Photographer reserves the right to sell prints in various formats and on various items (e.g., canvases, greeting cards, calendars) featuring photographs of clients' dogs. Neither these prints nor merchandise will not include any images of people.

7.2.               Client Agreement: By booking a session, clients agree to the potential sale of prints and merchandise featuring their dogs as described in 7.1.

8.      Image Delivery and Availability:

8.1.               The Photographer will provide the Client with a gallery of “Quick Edited” images within two days after the session.

8.2.               There will be no minimum number of photographs in the “Quick Edit gallery after the session, however the Photographer will always attempt to deliver a minimum of 25 images.

8.3.               Once the “Quick Edit” images are available, the client will make up to10 choices that the Photographer will carry out a full edit.

8.4.               The 10 full edits will be made available on the Photographer website, no more than 5 days after the client has indicated the 10 images to be fully edited.

8.5.               The Photographer will then inform the client that the images are ready for purchase, as part of the email, the Photographer will supply the client with a discount code for the cost of 1 (one), A3 size print.

8.6.               Images will remain available for up to 90 days after delivery.

9.      Client Cooperation:

9.1.               The Client agrees to arrive on time for the session and to always have their dog(s) under control and on a leash, unless otherwise directed by the Photographer.

9.2.               The Client is responsible for the behaviour and safety of their pets during the session.

10.  Privacy Policy

10.1.               Personal Information: The Photographer respects your privacy and will not share your personal information with third parties without your consent, except as necessary to provide the services you have requested.

11.  Amendments:

11.1.               This Agreement may only be amended in writing and signed by both parties.

12.  Governing Law:

12.1.               This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The United Kingdom

13.  Agreement:

13.1.               By booking a session or purchasing images from the Photographer, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms and conditions.