Before you are ready to book your photography session with the Outdoor Dog Photographer, you may have hundreds of questions. I have tried to answer the ones I hear my clients ask most often. If you don’t find your question answered then please feel free to get in touch by my Contact Page – I’m here to help!


  • A: Dog photography sessions typically involve capturing candid and posed shots of your dog in various settings. The photographer will work to capture your dog's personality and unique traits, using props, treats, and toys to keep their attention.

  • A: Sessions can vary in length but generally last between 1 to 2 hours. This allows enough time for your dog to get comfortable with the environment and the photographer, ensuring better photo opportunities.

  • A: Your pet portrait photo sessions will take place in local woodland in Warminster or if you book a studio session, then in my studio.

    Please discuss the options with me to choose a setting that suits your dog's temperament and your preferences.

  • A: Unfortunately, the UK does offer its fair share of bad weather. The Outdoor Dog Photographer will monitor the weather conditions leading up to your photography session. If the weather takes a turn for the worst and the session has to be cancelled, the shoot will be re-scheduled at a convenient time, acceptable by both the photographer and the client.

  • A: Ensure your dog is well-rested and has had some exercise before the session. Grooming and cleaning them up is also recommended. Bringing their favourite treats or toys can help keep their attention during the shoot.

  • A: Depending on your preference and the photographer's style, you might want to bring along any cute outfits, bandanas, or accessories that reflect your dog's personality. Familiar toys or blankets can also make your dog feel more at ease.

  • A: The choice is yours. When the session is outdoors, I am trying to catch the dog in its natural environment, sometimes they run through puddles and get a bit mucky, sometimes they don’t But it’s always nice to start off with a clean dog

  • A: No problem at all, it’s for this reason that I take so many, at least one of them will work. If all else fails, we simply put the dog on a lead and I edit the lead out in post production.

    Dog photographers are experienced in working with all kinds of dogs. They have tricks to get your dog's attention and can adapt to their behaviour. Patience is key, and breaks can be incorporated to help your dog relax.

  • A: Yes of course! Whether you would like to include the whole of you or you’re a bit camera shy, I can include just hands, paws, boots and other parts, there are many options to do this! But it’s important to member that the shoot is predominantly about your dog.

  • A: It depends on which package you purchased. Have a look through all of my packages to see what’s included.

  • A: Absolutely! Discussing your preferences with the photographer beforehand can help tailor the session to your vision. They can also provide guidance on what will work best based on their experience.

  • Go to Packages at the top of this page, choose your Package type, date and time and then tell me a little about your dog.


  • A: Yes, the key is to give the dog time, allow it to have some fun and relax. I will never pressure the dog for it to do something that it (or you) are not comfortable with.

  • A: I normally hear “well my dog is very obedient at home”. The fact is that out in the woods there are sights, sounds and smells that are not in the home and things suddenly become more interesting. I haven’t come across a dog yet that can’t remain in a ‘Sit’ or ‘Down’ for a couple of seconds. I have worked with dogs that don’t have any commands but we still get some beautiful images.

  • A: Safety is paramount, if you have any doubt about a recall then we simply keep the dog on a lead.


  • A: Editing is normally complete within 5 days, they then get placed on my website in a private gallery for your viewing

  • A: As above they will all be online where you view all of the images. You can then inform me which images you would like as part of your package. All of the Lo Resolution images can be downloaded for free. Additional prints and Hi Resolution downloads can be purchased at extra cost.

  • A: All payments are made online using either PayPal or Stripe where you can use Debit or credit card.

  • A: All of the images will be available online for three months. You can come back whenever you wish to purchase additional prints or downloads. If you should wish to purchase more after that time simply email me and I will put them back online.

  • A: Quite simply because once purchased, you can make as many prints of it as you wish.