Why I Never Feed Treats to Other People's Dogs During Photoshoots

As a professional dog photographer, I recently came across a blog from another dog photographer who stated that they never let the owner feed the dog treats; only they, as the photographer, are allowed to feed the dog treats. In my opinion, this practice is completely wrong and unacceptable. Here’s why I firmly believe that the owner is the only person who should give their dog treats during a photoshoot.

### The Number One Reason: Safety and Health Concerns

The primary reason I don't feed other people's dogs my treats is due to health and safety concerns. Every dog is unique, with its own medical history, dietary restrictions, and potential allergies. When I work with a new dog, I don’t have access to this crucial information. If I were to offer my treats and the dog had an adverse reaction—whether it’s an allergic response or choking—the responsibility would fall on me. This could lead to serious health complications for the dog and potentially legal consequences for myself.

Allowing the owner to feed their dog treats ensures that the treats are safe and suitable for their pet. The owner knows their dog's medical history and what treats are appropriate. This minimizes the risk of an adverse reaction and keeps the responsibility where it belongs: with the owner.

### Ensuring the Dog Focuses on the Owner

Another important reason for not feeding the dog myself is to maintain the dog’s focus on the owner. During a photoshoot, it’s essential that the dog looks where I want it to look. This is often best achieved by having the owner stand behind me or next to me, holding the treats. The dog is naturally inclined to look towards its owner, making it easier to capture those perfect shots.

The bond between a dog and its owner is unique and powerful. By utilizing this bond, I can ensure the dog is comfortable and responsive during the shoot. It doesn’t matter if the dog likes me; what’s important is that the dog is looking where I need it to look, and the presence of the owner is key to achieving this.

### Conclusion

Feeding treats to other people's dogs during a photoshoot is a practice fraught with potential dangers and complications. For the safety and well-being of the dogs, and to ensure the best possible outcomes for the photoshoot, I believe the owner should always be the one to feed their pet. This approach respects the health needs of the dog and leverages the natural bond between the dog and its owner to capture the best photos.

In conclusion, I stand by my policy: I never give dogs my own treats during a photoshoot. It’s a dangerous practice, and I would not recommend it to anyone. By allowing the owner to handle the treats, we can ensure a safer, more focused, and ultimately more successful photoshoot.


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