Why I Keep My Dog Photography Shoots Affordable
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Why I Keep My Dog Photography Shoots Affordable

As a passionate dog photographer, I often get asked why my rates are so low. At just £40 for a dog photography shoot, which includes an A3 print, some people wonder if I’m underselling myself or missing out on potential earnings. But the truth is, there’s a method to my madness, and it’s rooted in my love for dogs, my understanding of the current economic climate, and my desire to make high-quality dog photography accessible to everyone.

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Understanding the Difference Between Standard Prints and Fine Art Prints
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Understanding the Difference Between Standard Prints and Fine Art Prints

When purchasing artwork or photographs, it's essential to understand the distinction between standard prints and fine art prints. Each type offers unique qualities and benefits, catering to different needs and preferences.


Standard prints are the most common type of prints available. They are typically produced using commercial-grade printers and are widely used for personal photos, posters, and general artwork reproductions. Here are some key characteristics of standard prints:

- **Materials:** Standard prints are usually made on photo paper or lightweight cardstock. The paper quality can vary, but it generally lacks the archival properties of fine art papers.

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 Why I Prefer Printing My Own Dog Photography Prints
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Why I Prefer Printing My Own Dog Photography Prints

Photography has always been a passion of mine, and as a devoted dog lover, combining these two interests into dog photography has been a natural and fulfilling journey. Over the years, I've discovered that printing my own dog photography prints offers an unparalleled sense of satisfaction. While I do send away for fine art prints due to their specialized nature, my standard prints are always produced in-house. This blog will explore the reasons behind my preference, the process I follow, and the immense gratification it brings.

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Why I Never Feed Treats to Other People's Dogs During Photoshoots
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Why I Never Feed Treats to Other People's Dogs During Photoshoots

As a professional dog photographer, I recently came across a blog from another dog photographer who stated that they never let the owner feed the dog treats; only they, as the photographer, are allowed to feed the dog treats. In my opinion, this practice is completely wrong and unacceptable. Here’s why I firmly believe that the owner is the only person who should give their dog treats during a photoshoot.

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The Importance of Dog Photography in Creating Lasting Memories
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

The Importance of Dog Photography in Creating Lasting Memories

As I sit down to pen these words, my heart is still tender from the recent loss of one of my cherished canine companions. Just a few short days ago, I had to make the heart-wrenching decision to bid farewell to my faithful friend. The void left in her absence feels insurmountable, but amidst the shadows of grief, I find solace in the treasure trove of memories we shared together, many of which are immortalized in photographs.

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Why I Specialize in Dog Photography
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Why I Specialize in Dog Photography

In a world filled with diverse subjects and countless moments waiting to be captured, one might wonder why a photographer would limit themselves to a singular niche. Why confine the lens to just one subject when there's a myriad of opportunities in various genres like weddings, portraits, or landscapes? Well, let me bark it loud and clear: for me, dog photography isn't just a niche; it's a calling, a passion, and an art form all on its own.

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Capturing Canine Charm: Pros and Cons of Studio Dog Photography
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Capturing Canine Charm: Pros and Cons of Studio Dog Photography

Dog photography has soared in popularity over the years, becoming an art form in its own right. Among the myriad of styles, studio dog photography stands out for its controlled environment and polished aesthetics. Yet, like any art form, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's delve into the world of studio dog photography to explore its perks and pitfalls.

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Unleashing Success: The Importance of Social Media for Outdoor Dog Photography Businesses
Events, Articles David Drew Events, Articles David Drew

Unleashing Success: The Importance of Social Media for Outdoor Dog Photography Businesses

Springtime brings with it a sense of renewal and warmth, and what better way to embrace it than by partaking in the recent Warm Welcome to Spring Market held on Sunday, March 24th? As an outdoor dog photographer, I eagerly set up my stall at this bustling event, ready to showcase my passion for capturing the beauty of our furry friends against the backdrop of nature's splendor.

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25 Tips for Paw-some Dog Photography
Photo Shoots, Articles David Drew Photo Shoots, Articles David Drew

25 Tips for Paw-some Dog Photography

Are you ready to unleash your inner photographer and capture stunning portraits of your furry best friend? Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, mastering the art of dog photography can be both rewarding and challenging. Fear not, because I've fetched 25 tail-wagging tips to help you capture those picture-perfect moments with your canine companion.

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Capturing the Essence of Your Outdoor Companion: Why I Offer Free Studio Dog Photography Shoots
Photo Shoots, Articles David Drew Photo Shoots, Articles David Drew

Capturing the Essence of Your Outdoor Companion: Why I Offer Free Studio Dog Photography Shoots

As The Outdoor Dog Photographer, my mission is to ensure that every dog owner has the opportunity to immortalize their beloved companion in stunning portraits. I understand that professional photography services can sometimes be out of reach for many, which is why I've decided to eliminate the upfront cost of the shoot.

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Capturing Canine Joy: A Day of Outdoor Dog Photography promotions at Natural Treats Wiltshire
Articles, Events David Drew Articles, Events David Drew

Capturing Canine Joy: A Day of Outdoor Dog Photography promotions at Natural Treats Wiltshire

Throughout the day, I had the chance to interact with numerous dog owners and lovers who share a passion for capturing their furry friends in the great outdoors. I set up a booth to showcase my portfolio and discuss the various offers I have for both indoor and outdoor dog photography. It was heartwarming to see the excitement on people's faces as they shared stories about their beloved pets.

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Unleash Your Inner Pup-arazzi: Selling Dog Photography Prints on Squarespace
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Unleash Your Inner Pup-arazzi: Selling Dog Photography Prints on Squarespace

Are you a dog lover, a photography enthusiast, and a potential entrepreneur all rolled into one? If so, you're in the right place! Welcome to the world of "The Outdoor Dog Photographer," where we combine our passion for capturing the furry wonders of the great outdoors with the art of turning these moments into captivating prints that you can hang proudly on your walls or gift to fellow dog aficionados. With Squarespace as your trusty sidekick, you can turn your hobby into a profitable venture. Let's embark on this pawsome journey!

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Using Props and Accessories in Dog Photography: Dos and Don'ts"
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Using Props and Accessories in Dog Photography: Dos and Don'ts"

Using props and accessories in dog photography can be a fun and creative way to capture unique and memorable moments. However, it's important to do so with consideration for the dog's comfort and safety, as well as the desired outcome of the photos. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind when using props and accessories in dog photography:

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Fetch the Perfect Gift: Gift Cards for Pawsome Dog Photography!
Articles, Studio David Drew Articles, Studio David Drew

Fetch the Perfect Gift: Gift Cards for Pawsome Dog Photography!

Are you tired of the same old holiday gift-giving routine? Socks for Dad, scented candles for Mom, and a generic gift card for that cousin you barely know? It's time to shake things up this holiday season! If you've got a dog-loving friend or family member on your Christmas list, we've got the perfect solution that's bound to make tails wag with excitement – gift cards for indoor and outdoor dog photography!

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Pawesome or Pawful? The Green Screen Dilemma in Pet Dog Studio Photography
Articles, Studio David Drew Articles, Studio David Drew

Pawesome or Pawful? The Green Screen Dilemma in Pet Dog Studio Photography

Hey there, fellow pet-loving photographers! If you've ever considered using a green screen in your dog photography studio, you're in for a treat... or maybe not! Green screens can be a powerful tool, but they come with their own set of quirks. In this playful blog post, we're going to dive into the 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of using a green screen for your pup-tastic photo shoots. Get ready for a tail-wagging good time!

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Capturing the Playful Spirit: Best Camera Settings for Outdoor Dog Photography
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Capturing the Playful Spirit: Best Camera Settings for Outdoor Dog Photography

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when it comes to photographing our furry friends, those pictures can be priceless. Outdoor dog photography allows us to capture the boundless energy, infectious joy, and unique personalities of our canine companions against the backdrop of nature's beauty. To freeze these fleeting moments in time, it's essential to get your camera settings just right. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting out, these best camera settings for outdoor dog photography will help you bring out the best in your furry subjects.

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Building a Small Dog Photography Studio
Articles David Drew Articles David Drew

Building a Small Dog Photography Studio

Choose a room or area in your home that receives good natural light. Large windows with diffused light are ideal, as they will help create a soft and flattering illumination for your dog subjects. Avoid spaces with harsh direct sunlight, as it can create harsh shadows and overexposure.

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