Fetch the Perfect Gift: Gift Cards for Pawsome Dog Photography!
Articles, Studio David Drew Articles, Studio David Drew

Fetch the Perfect Gift: Gift Cards for Pawsome Dog Photography!

Are you tired of the same old holiday gift-giving routine? Socks for Dad, scented candles for Mom, and a generic gift card for that cousin you barely know? It's time to shake things up this holiday season! If you've got a dog-loving friend or family member on your Christmas list, we've got the perfect solution that's bound to make tails wag with excitement – gift cards for indoor and outdoor dog photography!

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Pawesome or Pawful? The Green Screen Dilemma in Pet Dog Studio Photography
Articles, Studio David Drew Articles, Studio David Drew

Pawesome or Pawful? The Green Screen Dilemma in Pet Dog Studio Photography

Hey there, fellow pet-loving photographers! If you've ever considered using a green screen in your dog photography studio, you're in for a treat... or maybe not! Green screens can be a powerful tool, but they come with their own set of quirks. In this playful blog post, we're going to dive into the 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of using a green screen for your pup-tastic photo shoots. Get ready for a tail-wagging good time!

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